"I dream of a hard and brutal mysticism in which the naked self merges with the nonhuman world and somehow survives...Paradox and bedrock."-Edward Abbey

23 December 2014

100 Words; High Adventure with BBQ

Some righteous icicles out back...

It is the first time in many, many, many years I have done what white man calls Christmas shopping. Horrible. To assuage this psychic trauma, I treated myself to BBQ. The graham cracker stout beer was a meal unto itself. One you could cut with a knife, of which the restaurant's proprietor promised me a sharper one for next time. I smiled and thanked him for his time.

I guess there could be a next time; hopping down-valley for some BBQ and a graham cracker stout. That Christmas shopping thing? Bah-adding humbug would be trite-! Now that's for the birds.


  1. I am right there with you on that Christmas shopping issue. I only bought gifts for the grandkids this year, and I made my daughter go with me since she's the one who got engaged and doubled the grankid count. We had drinks before we started. (At least I have an awesome step-granddaughter to spoil this year.)

    1. I should have had a cocktail beforehand. At least I didn't travel all the way down to the big, big city...there may have been murders.
