"I dream of a hard and brutal mysticism in which the naked self merges with the nonhuman world and somehow survives...Paradox and bedrock."-Edward Abbey

03 October 2011

100 Words; Down Below

We take in a museum by virtue of gifted tickets. Free is my favorite price. Dinosaurs, mummies, and dioramas of Africa.

In our Sahel, the aspens are at their peak and lookie-loos the world over come to marvel. The scent of wood smoke perfumes the air.

Down below, the foliage is still green. Shorts and sandals. The omens of autumn haven't manifested.

I can sometimes get a little nostalgic for the city, despite the claustrophobic crush of  concrete, steel, and glass. There were some good times down below. But then I get back to my mountains, and the nostalgia fades.


In giving credit where credit is due; the100 Words concept comes from Mr. London Street. Although, a few other storytellers of whom I admire have been given to doing it as well.

1 comment:

  1. "Free is my favorite price."
    I love that line.
    And I love these 100 words.
