"I dream of a hard and brutal mysticism in which the naked self merges with the nonhuman world and somehow survives...Paradox and bedrock."-Edward Abbey

03 February 2010


It's that time of year again; rock mitigation. On the Road about a mile to the east, along the side of Democrat Mountain, is a sheer wall of rock, which, when the Road was being built, was blasted with explosives. Even before the blasting, this was a rather steep slope, it would appear. This has resulted in rock fences and subsequent maintenance to prevent slides, and there's been a more than one of those over the years.

I suppose, if one gives thought to it, in those narrow stretches and near the steep slopes, it can be a little terrifying to see a sign that reads; Falling Rock. Sort of like if one gives too much thought to going through a tunnel, being in a mineshaft, or a cave. There are tons of mountain right there, you're but a speck by way of comparison, and it would just suck should the mountain up and sneeze or otherwise shift its massive weight.

In such a circumstance, what is there to do? I mean, besides count three and prey?

So, the Road gets shut down for between twenty and thirty minutes whilst helicopters and workers in repelling gear work along the slope. An inconvenience, to be sure, but no more than a rock slide could cause. One must learn patience, and like in inclement weather, one must make time for such things.

Of course, I learned a long time ago when one is in a hurry for anything that's when mistakes can be made and it's hardly worth the trouble. I do find the mitigation annoying when I'm on my way to do something, but I also can perceive it as the universe reminding me to slow down and take in the world around me. And I do, listening to the riddles and hymns of the wild and the wind, the rhythms and rhymes of the cosmos. Upon reflection, I find myself happier and saner because of it.

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