"I dream of a hard and brutal mysticism in which the naked self merges with the nonhuman world and somehow survives...Paradox and bedrock."-Edward Abbey

28 August 2020

 It's quite obvious that the sci-fi and disaster films are truly fiction. As good a mythology as that presented in a religious text. 

Humanity uniting in a time of crisis? Oh, how vvveeerrryyy droll...

Terrorist attack? Inside job! Clash of civilizations!

Pandemic? No worse than the flu! Biggest virus in over a century!

Civil unrest? Anarchy! Reckoning!

Climate change? A hoax! An extinction event!

And somewhere in the middle is truth, but we, as a species, are too solipsistic to notice or care...

Fuck all y'all. It's days like this and times like these I remind myself I all but gave up on the species when I was eight.